The color red is one of three primary colors and is thought to be the color to provoke the most reponse among humans.This intense color is also known to induce emotions from passion to violence. Experiments have shown that rooms painted red will encourage workers to work faster. Along with the faster work came more mistakes, making red not the best option for wall paint in a work environment. Red used on walls has been found to be a great benefit in restaraunts, causing an increase in appetite. Red is a symbol of high energy and aggression. It's often used in warning or danger signs. This is because the color red stands out against backgrounds of white or black. Many traffic signs use the color red because it's the most visible color in daylight. Red and it's many shades of color are also used as a symbol of love. Hot reds to pale pinks can be found in many romantic greeting cards and are used in the symbol of the heart.
Red has been found to have such a huge impact on people, it can even cause the heart to beat faster. A study has shown that when two sports teams are equally matched, the team dressed in red is more likely to win. Since red seems to bring up confrontation, it's best not to wear red when in negotiations at your place of employment. Thecolor red is often used to draw attention making items appear stronger, brighter and heavier.
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